Emc Shielding in Birmingham | Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites 2016
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At Wye Valley, we have been custom moulding a wide variety of components, where EMC Shielding is required for many years.

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Shielding is a method used to protect electronic devices from electromagnetic interference (EMI), which can disrupt their performance. This interference can lead to issues such as signal loss or inaccurate readings in electronic devices.

EMC shielding works by either reflecting or absorbing electromagnetic waves. Common materials used for shielding include metals like copper, aluminum, and steel, which can be formed into enclosures, coatings, or foils. These materials help to block unwanted electromagnetic fields, ensuring that devices operate correctly and comply with regulatory standards.

This shielding is crucial in various applications, from consumer electronics to medical devices, to ensure reliable and safe operation.

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